Animals that add (financial) value for their employer/owner are working animals.

Types of labour

Working animals can be found everywhere. The Trade Union limits itself to farmed animals. Wild animals that contribute to maintaining biodiversity, while providing an ecosystem service, have no owner to encourage them to do so.

They are outside our constituency. Bees, on the other hand, which are kept, cared for and pollinate flowers besides producing honey are part of our constituency. All animals that provide a product or service for the benefit of the owner are working animals.

Products that working animals provide are, for example, milk, eggs and meat. Services they provide are, for example, safety, care and assistance. Think of laying hens, broilers, dairy cows, bees, riding horses, police dogs, etc.


Labour rights

Working animals have a right to a safe working and living environment. To fresh air and a clean, fire-safe stable. As their private and working lives converge, they also have a right to a family life. Mothers and children should be allowed to grow up together for as long as possible, and intergenerational stable compositions are pursued. The maximum production of an animal should be limited and adapted to its natural production.

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About Animal Labour Union

The Animal Labour Union represents the animal workers in animal husbandry. Animals that provide a product or service to their employer, who…


Working Animals

Animals that provide (financial) added value for their employer/owner are working animals. Working animals can be found everywhere.


Communication with Animals

Animals can communicate very well. Anyone who lives around animals knows this. They let you know if they are hungry, want to go outside or experience pain.


Legislation and Research

Animals are protected in various places in the law. The Animals Act sets requirements for the way in which different animal species may be kept.