Recognition and better conditions
The Animal Labour Union strives for recognition of (a form of) labor rights for working animals. In doing so, we are doing nothing other than what the traditional trade unions were once aimed at: striving for a fair balance of power between employer and employee in the workplace.
We also fight for better working conditions. Working animals have the right to a safe living and working environment, free time and pension. Maternity and parental leave is also a theme. In addition, the trade union for animals wants attention for (limiting) the production capacity of the animals.
Who will help and think along?
The Animal Labour Union cannot do without donors and other committed volunteers. Fortunately, many people are already supporting our work,...
Volunteer needed
The Animal Labour Union seeks recognition of a (some form of) labour rights for working animals. In doing so, we do nothing other than...
About Animal Labour Union
The Animal Labour Union represents the animal workers in animal husbandry. Animals that provide a product or service to their employer, who…
Working Animals
Animals that provide (financial) added value for their employer/owner are working animals. Working animals can be found everywhere.
Communication with Animals
Animals can communicate very well. Anyone who lives around animals knows this. They let you know if they are hungry, want to go outside or experience pain.
Legislation and Research
Animals are protected in various places in the law. The Animals Act sets requirements for the way in which different animal species may be kept.