The Cow Language Project

The Cow Language Project

In the “Cow Language in Focus” project, made possible by the Barth-Misset Fund and the Meertens Institute, we have captured the communication of cows. We recorded their interactions on eight different farms (intensive dairy farms, organic dairy farms, a...
Mourning Animals

Mourning Animals

I can’t see my chickens, who are normally out foraging all day, at all this morning. While I work, they’re always in the corner of my eye. But now, I’m missing the movements of the white birds in my autumnal garden. I put on a thick coat and step outside. At the...
How a Squirrel Influenced the American Elections

How a Squirrel Influenced the American Elections

“I’ve Never Known Trump and His Allies to Show Any Compassion for Animals”. Today, I spoke on the radio about the story of Peanut. This tale of Peanut, a squirrel, exposes a painful and ironic reality. What began as a simple act of kindness—New Yorker Mark...
No More Sows in Cages

No More Sows in Cages

An average breeding sow farm has over 800 sows. The “task” of these animals is to “produce” piglets, which are fattened for slaughter within six months. In conventional pig farming, sows are confined to cages for up to 28 days. Even sows in...
Chattering Hens in Intensive Farming

Chattering Hens in Intensive Farming

Chattering—that’s what I call it when my three rescued laying hens are out in the garden scratching around. Their sounds are a mix of purring, humming, and whispering. It’s soft, calm, and sounds very content. How different it is when you enter a chicken shed housing...
Animals That Give Each Other Names

Animals That Give Each Other Names

If Animals Give Each Other Names, Is Naming Really Uniquely Human? The idea of naming animals sparked debate in the 1950s when Jane Goodall began her groundbreaking research on chimpanzees in Tanzania’s Gombe National Park. Instead of assigning the animals numbers or...