Animals Give Each Other Names—So What?

Animals Give Each Other Names—So What?

Scientists are increasingly uncovering traits in animals traditionally thought to be exclusively “human,” such as language and empathy. The understanding that animals, like humans, are capable of complex communication and emotions is growing steadily. Examples include...
This is a Free-Range Chicken

This is a Free-Range Chicken

“But I always buy free-range eggs!” When I tell friends and acquaintances that I rescue laying hens who are no longer productive, I often get an apologetic response. I rarely call people out on their behaviour, but they feel the need to explain themselves...
A Gnu is Just Like a Cow

A Gnu is Just Like a Cow

In the Serengeti, Tanzania, it’s a yearly spectacle as crowds gather to witness the migration of wildebeests (gnus). This animal, closely related to the cow, attracts tourists from all over the world. The herd behaviour, their responses to danger, and the collective...
Do Happy Chickens Exist in Factory Farming?

Do Happy Chickens Exist in Factory Farming?

A Happy Chicken When I open the garden gate in the morning, they come running towards me. Exactly like the cartoon chickens from *Chicken Run*. Wings slightly bent backward, beaks forward, and little legs moving quickly in a trot. The streamlined shape makes for a...
Michiel van Deursen new boardmember of the Union

Michiel van Deursen new boardmember of the Union

We are pleased and proud to announce that Michiel van Deursen has joined the board of the Animal Labour Union. Van Deursen: “My mission as an investor has always been to get as many animals from supply chains as possible. Animals are not products but...
€50,000 for Cow Language project

€50,000 for Cow Language project

The Animal Labour Union has received a contribution of €50,000 from the Barth-Misset Fonds (BMF) for the Cow Language in Focus project. Speaking about the awarding of the project, the BMF said: Scientific research by cow language researcher Cornips has so far resulted...